While we try our best to anticipate questions, we can’t anticipate all of them. Hopefully this page will answer a lot of your questions.

But, if we haven’t answered yours on this page, please send us a question through our contact us page. Or give us a call at (651) 699-3333.

Why should I choose CPR-Twin Cities for my training?

Read John Fineberg’s biographical profile here. And read testimonials from loyal students here.

35+ Years of Teaching Experience

What classes do you offer?

Our complete list of high-quality classes is printed here

How do I contact you to set up a class for my group?

Send us a message by clicking here. Or give us a call us at (651) 699-3333 for more personal assistance. 

What is CPR?

CPR is the abbreviation for “Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.” CPR is explained here.

What is compression-only or hands-only CPR?

CPR without breaths is explained here.

Should I call 911 or Poison Control?

The answer to this question is explained here.

Could I (or my employer) be sued for any mistakes I may make in the care I provide?

Never fear, the Minnesota Good Samaritan Law is posted here. (Don’t worry, it’s short and easy-to-comprehend.)

Where can I buy AEDs, breathing barriers and first aid kits?

You’ll find a partial list of equipment suppliers here.  

Where can I go to learn and further my education?

The opportunities are endless, but you’ll find a partial list here.

Is it possible to take a recertification (a.k.a. refresher, review or renewal) class?

You’ll find the qualification requirements for taking a recertification class here.

What are the equivalent American Red Cross and American Heart Association classes?

You can compare our classes here.

How can I contact you?

Send a message by clicking here, or call us at (651) 699-3333 for a more personal touch.