Sorry, No Specials or Free Offers at this Time
But feel free to check back again, at a later date.
Are you looking for free:
- CPR classes in Minnesota (“free CPR classes MN”);
- free CPR classes in Saint Paul (“free CPR classes St. Paul”);
- or free CPR classes in Minneapolis (“free CPR classes Mpls.”)?
Everyone loves getting something for free, right? And CPR-Twin Cities knows that.
From now until October 31, 2020, we are offering the online version of this one-hour lecture class for free: “Caring for Medical Emergencies — What Non-Professionals Can Do to Help” (a.k.a. “What to Do Until Medical Help Arrives”).
This applies to the not-for-certification lecture, only. And, just to be clear, this lecture is also the introduction to our for-certification CPR/AED and First Aid classes, for which there remains a charge. (If you should later decide you’d like to get training in CPR/AED and/or First Aid, just let us know.)
If you would like to take advantage of this free offer, please send us a note via our Contact Us page, and then we’ll send you a link and a password to be able to access the free lecture.
The following offer is over, but may come back again, once we get through the COVID-19 pandemic …
So we would like to make you a free* offer. We’d like to give you free CPR and/or free First Aid training.
Yes, that’s correct, absolutely free!!!
Please continue reading, so you understand the details of this free offer:
For any certification class that you book, pay for and host in your home between now and the end of February, 2020, you (or any one person you select in that group) will receive that training for free. No kidding, positively free!
Depending on which class you choose to book, that could mean a savings of anywhere from $54 to $94! Not bad, eh?

To set up a class exclusively for your family, friends, etc., you just need to provide students (a minimum of six and a maximum of 10). Plus you need to provide a clean, smoke-free, comfortable space in which to learn these all-important life-saving skills. (Pets are okay as long as they are quiet and kept in a separate area of your home.) It’s that simple!
To find a date and time that works for everyone involved, send us a message through our Contact Us page. Or give us a call at (651) 699-3333. And, if you’re interesting in taking advantage of this free opportunity, please contact us right away.
Thank you!