Please note: We are not currently offering traditional CPR/AED and First Aid classes for individuals. But we are, however, still offering these three outstanding options for individuals:
Emergency Care for Severe Bleeding
Medical Emergencies — What Non-Professionals Can Do to Help
Hands-Only CPR (a simple, abbreviated version, without breaths)
And, if you’d like (or need) certification in CPR/AED and/or First Aid, you always have the option to create a class for a group of co-workers, fellow students, friends/neighbors/relatives and such. (The cost, per student, is cheaper! Plus, the class is brought to you — instead of the other way around!)
Not everyone has the same needs. So at CPR-Twin Cities, we have many great class options for individuals in the Minneapolis-St. Paul (Twin Cities) area:
(If you’re looking for a class for a group, click here.)
CPR-Twin Cities is a proud provider of CPR, AED and First Aid classes, training and certification. We offer the following outstanding CPR/AED and First Aid classes, based on American Heart Association guidelines. Our classes are suitable for anyone in the general (non-health care worker) community looking for two-year certification):
Adult and Pediatric (Adult, Child and Infant) CPR/AED Training
First Aid for the General Public
Adult, Child and Infant (Adult and Pediatric) CPR/AED/First Aid Training Combo (best value, in terms of time and money!)

We also offer the following faster, easier and cheaper options (for people not caring about certification, but still wanting a basic knowledge of what to do in case of an emergency):
Emergency Care for Severe Bleeding
Medical Emergencies — What Non-Professionals Can Do to Help
Hands-Only CPR (a simple, abbreviated version, without breaths)

If you’d like more detailed information about our classes, check out our Class Descriptions page. If you have questions about the differences between these options, send us a note via our Contact link.
Need help in getting signed up and registered for a class (as an individual). Click here.
As we all know, the situation with COVID-19 is fluid. With the guidance of authorities, from international to local, our policies need to remain fluid. As of this date, students who are unvaccinated, or not fully vaccinated, may be required to wear a mask and/or to “socially distance” themselves well beyond the general “6-foot rule.” Until further notice, we all need to remain flexible — as what’s acceptable one day may not be acceptable the next day.
Rest assured, at CPR-Twin Cities, we are hyper-vigilant in sanitizing and disinfecting our equipment (just like we are during “normal” times … except even more so now)!
The in-person portion of our training is held in our home office (in the Highland Park neighborhood of Saint Paul). Please note that you may go through all of our videos without any in-person, hands-on practice at all, if you prefer. But, if you choose that option, you will not receive certification.
In choosing CPR-Twin Cities, you are choosing to have a highly experienced instructor. We don’t use rookies … ever!
And — unlike some other CPR/AED and First Aid training providers — our class sizes are kept intentionally small. So, in choosing CPR-Twin Cities, you are choosing to get the personal attention you need and deserve.
“I have taken many CPR/First Aid classes … and yours was by far the best.”
If you’d like the convenience and comfort of a class exclusively for you, your colleagues and your employees, held in your own workplace, or a class just for your friends and relatives, held in your own home, click here for additional information about scheduling and hosting your own class.
While there is a per-person discount for groups, the pricing for an individual is generally about $5 higher than the published group price. But if you have a few friends/relatives/neighbors joining you, the price becomes the same as the group price. Use our Contact form to let us know you have a small group. (Note: the maximum for in-person skills in our home office is four at a time.)
With so many options, yes, it can get confusing. If unclear about which class to choose, please read the class descriptions page before scheduling a class, or contact us and we’ll do our best to help you decide.