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Please note: There are currently two variations of how to receive this training: 1) in-person; 2) “blended-learning” (mostly, but not entirely, online).
Since this course is a not-for-certification class, it may be taken with or without hands-on training. However, to be ready for a real emergency, the in-person portion is highly recommended.

Stop Life-Threatening Bleeding (in-person or blended-learning 1.5 hrs.)
- hands-on practice in applying tourniquets and hemostatic dressings
- known elsewhere as “Stop the Bleed” training
- no certification
Group Rate: $29 per person (six person minimum)
Class Size
The prices listed listed on this page are for a minimum of six students per class. To maintain our high standards for exceptional personal attention, we limit our Stop Severe Bleeding/Life-Threatening Bleeding Control classes to a maximum of 15 students.
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Why you need to take this class
If you follow the news, you know that there are more and more intentional acts of violence occurring in our world. Plus, there is accidental violence that could happen at any time.
Will such violence ever happen to you, or to others around you? Of course, this is impossible to predict.
So now, like it or not, we all have a civic responsibility to get educated. We all need to be prepared to at least attempt to stop severe bleeding (life-threatening bleeding) and, hopefully, save a life.
What you will learn
While most bleeding is not life-threatening, some of it is. This class covers the basics of how to recognize a medical emergency and what to do until help arrives. We will discuss the Good Samaritan Law, as well as how to protect yourself from disease transmission while giving first aid care.
In this one hour class, you will learn what you can do to help control severe, life-threatening bleeding. We will practice using nitrile (non-latex) gloves, including how to take them off properly, without contaminating yourself. Going beyond the simple bandaging taught in First Aid classes, we will also practice applying a tourniquet and packing a wound (using hemostatic dressing) to “stop the bleed.”
Although this class is based on information taught in CPR-Twin Cities, American Red Cross and American Heart Association classes, this is an abbreviated class. Therefore there is no certification. And, to be clear, the techniques taught in this class are considered to “best practices” in bleeding control. That said, there is no way to guarantee a positive outcome.
As with all classes, we recommend that you read class descriptions and check with your employer, school, professional organization before registering, so you’re certain that this class will meet their specific requirements.
*All prices are subject to change without notice.
Free Videos
While it’s always best to take an in-person class, where you’ll have the opportunity to get hands-on experience in a controlled environment, here are a few very good videos with step-by-step instructions on applying a tourniquet:
Here’s a video from North American Rescue that instructs both how to use and how to store a combat application tourniquet (CAT):
And here’s one with good advice about how to fold and store your CAT tourniquet, so it’s ready to easily deploy when you need it.